This 12-Year-Old’s Girlfriend Told Him That He Made Her Pregnant, And He Had The Best Response Ever
Do you know why sex education is important? It’s because… Well, actually why don’t we let Tweeter Kiran the Nomad explain this with a real story of his own. A story that you might have a hard time wrapping your head around.
Kiran recently remembered his time in school when he was 12 years old and had a girlfriend who told him she was pregnant. Without much hesitation, Kiran decided that they’re going to keep the baby. The only thing was… they never had sex before.
And though the life lessons presented to Kiran might seem pretty harsh to even an adult person, he manned up and took it all up in a stride. Of a 12-year-old. From a very public birds and bees lecture to accepting the faith of becoming a husband to his soon-to-be teenage mom girlfriend, this story of a young gentleman in distress has it all.
Read below just what on Earth happened in this funny story. It is, indeed, a very informative tale on the importance of sex ed, unplanned teenage pregnancy, and how to deal with it all in a mature-as-possible way. But be warned that there will be some strong language along the way.
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Author, Community member
In cahoots with the secret orde... With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.
I think the real story here is that a twelve year old girl got pregnant. She's still a child! That makes me more livid than any other part. Who is the father?
oh, dont bet on it honey, sadly that doesnt happen as much... usually older kids, or guys, or even men :/
To those who replied it was most likely rape or taking advantage of a little kid. Not to blame the victim, I know what happened here as much as you do → nothing. However, there really are 12-year-olds out there who believe they are mature enough, they hang with older boys, lie about their age, and with the right make up, they even look like real women. And a man who's too naive, or too drunk, may not even realise the truth. Given her reaction in this story, this could have been pretty much the case, because she doesn't seem traumatized, just very very worried. Still, I repeat, we never know, it could have been something utterly disgusting and criminal indeed
Probably her father, mom's boyfriend, a teacher, or some other adult who took advantage of her or full out raped her.
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I resigned my office-job and now I am getting paid £64 hourly. How? I work over internet! My old work was making me miserable, so I was forced to try something different, two years after...I can say my life is changed-completely for the better! Check it out what i do... http://cutt.us/1fcQZ
in 1979, I was in nursing school. It was my ob-gyn course, and on a very slow day the nurses and we students were sitting in the nurses' station and they were telling us stories (part of training not in the books). The station was surrounded by a mid-chest high wall. A woman came in and looked at us over the wall, saying, "I think we're having a baby here." My teacher, a RN, and I went around the corner to start the admissions process. The woman was tall and extraordinarily thin. We were a bit puzzled. She had a young girl with her. It was her 10-yr old daughter who was in labor. We hadn't even seen her because she was shorter than the wall. It was so shocking to me. I don't know whether she kept the baby or not.
That poor little girl!!! Did she know she was pregnant? There are serious health risks to having a child that young--I hope she's okay.
She was so young! And had the baby! Delivery could have killed her. This is awful.
Exactly! I logged into bored Panda just to say that. How did this 12yo get pregnant? What is going on at home? What kind of parents does she have? This is f@&ked up.
More livid than the 20 something year old who's spelling and grammar are worse than when he was 12?
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...another low end ghetto savage who drag the world down. And unless she was raped, she ain't innocent
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Or she isn't and it is a manipulation. That part about the reality of pregnancy is not convincing.
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Mary was about 12 when she gave birth to Jesus.
He says he's from the West Indies. He's writing colloquially like folks from Barbados or Jamaica talk. I teach high school and don't worry, African American kids don't write papers like this. Social media is a whole different genre than formal writing.
Load More Replies...That's not West Indies slang, that's USA slang--Shawty and Aight are not Jamaican. When he was 12, he spoke with a British accent (he said)--he's not using that now.
Thanks, Dawn. You restored my hope to keep reading the comment section!
I understood the type of story telling just fine. Just not the ghetto speak.
Wow that was sad that you had to explain that I mean legit spell it out unfortunately ignorance is a grotesque issue that Has been gradually growing showing no signs of stopping or of its pace slowing.but alas we are not without hope for I can guarantee that this issues rise into power will cease as long as there are people who keep an open mind are hungry to learn and to teach the key to it's demise will remain directly within our reach.
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We are still explaining ebonics and internet slang? Just how far are the sticks up your asses?
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Uh no hes talking like most Black Folks talk in the hood....where did you grow up ? In a castle....This boy was educated by Democrats...
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That's r******d. Sounds a lot harder and more complicated to write two different ways then to just stick to the right way that doesn't make u sound stupid AF
Dude, English is not my native language and even I understood.
This wouldn't be half as funny to read if it was written in formal english, am I right or not wrong?
I never said I couldn't understand it. I cn typ ths sntnce wthot usng mst of the vowls and you cn undrstnd it bt tht dosnt mn I shld.
1. Language evolves over time. 2. It isn't. It's African American Vernacular English, which has been widely accepted as one of the largest non-standard dialects of American English (though whether it is a dialect or a creole is a debate for another thread. I tend to fall on the creole side of the debate).
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Thank you too, Heather. You and Dawn kept my faith in the human ability to interpret texts
I'm from Barbados and they do talk like that. Even if he has the British accent, he's still gonna have a West Indies side in him. We write proper English but that is just OUR dialect when talking.
Meh, people use slang all the time but that doesn't mean that they can't speak formal english. I'm an Arab immigrant and my speech patterns and vocabulary can be all over the place, but that doesn't mean that I can't write a damned good essay when I want to.
So he has NO CLUE about sex, but on his way out casually accuses the Head of sleeping with the English Tutor? whaaaat
He knew that sex is something that adults do. The principal and the teacher are adults. All the boy needed was to have heard someone saying "those two are sleeping together". No need to understand what it is and what it does to be able to remember gossip :)
Load More Replies...He didn't know that you had to have sex to get someone pregnant. He mentioned that he knew that sex as something that was for adults. So it seems that he knew what it was but didn't know that you could get pregnant from it.
I mean, he might've put it together after he got educated by his mother. Who knows? Maybe he didn't even mean it seriously.
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Believe me, students know what is going on in their schools. I'm 45 and I still remember catching teachers together in middle school. In high school, I was used to run interference between my mixed media teacher teacher and the head football coach for at least 3 years. So when the coach's wife confronted the teacher at a football game, the staff made a beeline at me for tea. One grading period, I was just not feeling the assignments and did things on my own terms. She gave me a C and I had to quickly remind her who developed pictures for the school and they were careless once and left a whole role of one of their weekends together. I was no fool so you know I had duplicates in my possession. Next grading period, that C had been "corrected to an A and I had no problems with her after that.
I mean, at my high school, pretty much every student in the school knew that the World Civ teacher was screwing the biology teacher, and that the 9th grade history teacher was a hippie who probably smoked a whole lot of weed.
I think the real story here is that a twelve year old girl got pregnant. She's still a child! That makes me more livid than any other part. Who is the father?
oh, dont bet on it honey, sadly that doesnt happen as much... usually older kids, or guys, or even men :/
To those who replied it was most likely rape or taking advantage of a little kid. Not to blame the victim, I know what happened here as much as you do → nothing. However, there really are 12-year-olds out there who believe they are mature enough, they hang with older boys, lie about their age, and with the right make up, they even look like real women. And a man who's too naive, or too drunk, may not even realise the truth. Given her reaction in this story, this could have been pretty much the case, because she doesn't seem traumatized, just very very worried. Still, I repeat, we never know, it could have been something utterly disgusting and criminal indeed
Probably her father, mom's boyfriend, a teacher, or some other adult who took advantage of her or full out raped her.
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I resigned my office-job and now I am getting paid £64 hourly. How? I work over internet! My old work was making me miserable, so I was forced to try something different, two years after...I can say my life is changed-completely for the better! Check it out what i do... http://cutt.us/1fcQZ
in 1979, I was in nursing school. It was my ob-gyn course, and on a very slow day the nurses and we students were sitting in the nurses' station and they were telling us stories (part of training not in the books). The station was surrounded by a mid-chest high wall. A woman came in and looked at us over the wall, saying, "I think we're having a baby here." My teacher, a RN, and I went around the corner to start the admissions process. The woman was tall and extraordinarily thin. We were a bit puzzled. She had a young girl with her. It was her 10-yr old daughter who was in labor. We hadn't even seen her because she was shorter than the wall. It was so shocking to me. I don't know whether she kept the baby or not.
That poor little girl!!! Did she know she was pregnant? There are serious health risks to having a child that young--I hope she's okay.
She was so young! And had the baby! Delivery could have killed her. This is awful.
Exactly! I logged into bored Panda just to say that. How did this 12yo get pregnant? What is going on at home? What kind of parents does she have? This is f@&ked up.
More livid than the 20 something year old who's spelling and grammar are worse than when he was 12?
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...another low end ghetto savage who drag the world down. And unless she was raped, she ain't innocent
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Or she isn't and it is a manipulation. That part about the reality of pregnancy is not convincing.
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Mary was about 12 when she gave birth to Jesus.
He says he's from the West Indies. He's writing colloquially like folks from Barbados or Jamaica talk. I teach high school and don't worry, African American kids don't write papers like this. Social media is a whole different genre than formal writing.
Load More Replies...That's not West Indies slang, that's USA slang--Shawty and Aight are not Jamaican. When he was 12, he spoke with a British accent (he said)--he's not using that now.
Thanks, Dawn. You restored my hope to keep reading the comment section!
I understood the type of story telling just fine. Just not the ghetto speak.
Wow that was sad that you had to explain that I mean legit spell it out unfortunately ignorance is a grotesque issue that Has been gradually growing showing no signs of stopping or of its pace slowing.but alas we are not without hope for I can guarantee that this issues rise into power will cease as long as there are people who keep an open mind are hungry to learn and to teach the key to it's demise will remain directly within our reach.
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We are still explaining ebonics and internet slang? Just how far are the sticks up your asses?
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Uh no hes talking like most Black Folks talk in the hood....where did you grow up ? In a castle....This boy was educated by Democrats...
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That's r******d. Sounds a lot harder and more complicated to write two different ways then to just stick to the right way that doesn't make u sound stupid AF
Dude, English is not my native language and even I understood.
This wouldn't be half as funny to read if it was written in formal english, am I right or not wrong?
I never said I couldn't understand it. I cn typ ths sntnce wthot usng mst of the vowls and you cn undrstnd it bt tht dosnt mn I shld.
1. Language evolves over time. 2. It isn't. It's African American Vernacular English, which has been widely accepted as one of the largest non-standard dialects of American English (though whether it is a dialect or a creole is a debate for another thread. I tend to fall on the creole side of the debate).
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Thank you too, Heather. You and Dawn kept my faith in the human ability to interpret texts
I'm from Barbados and they do talk like that. Even if he has the British accent, he's still gonna have a West Indies side in him. We write proper English but that is just OUR dialect when talking.
Meh, people use slang all the time but that doesn't mean that they can't speak formal english. I'm an Arab immigrant and my speech patterns and vocabulary can be all over the place, but that doesn't mean that I can't write a damned good essay when I want to.
So he has NO CLUE about sex, but on his way out casually accuses the Head of sleeping with the English Tutor? whaaaat
He knew that sex is something that adults do. The principal and the teacher are adults. All the boy needed was to have heard someone saying "those two are sleeping together". No need to understand what it is and what it does to be able to remember gossip :)
Load More Replies...He didn't know that you had to have sex to get someone pregnant. He mentioned that he knew that sex as something that was for adults. So it seems that he knew what it was but didn't know that you could get pregnant from it.
I mean, he might've put it together after he got educated by his mother. Who knows? Maybe he didn't even mean it seriously.
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Believe me, students know what is going on in their schools. I'm 45 and I still remember catching teachers together in middle school. In high school, I was used to run interference between my mixed media teacher teacher and the head football coach for at least 3 years. So when the coach's wife confronted the teacher at a football game, the staff made a beeline at me for tea. One grading period, I was just not feeling the assignments and did things on my own terms. She gave me a C and I had to quickly remind her who developed pictures for the school and they were careless once and left a whole role of one of their weekends together. I was no fool so you know I had duplicates in my possession. Next grading period, that C had been "corrected to an A and I had no problems with her after that.
I mean, at my high school, pretty much every student in the school knew that the World Civ teacher was screwing the biology teacher, and that the 9th grade history teacher was a hippie who probably smoked a whole lot of weed.